zondag 27 november 2011

Gary Speed has died at the age of 42
The dead body of Wales’s football manager was found Sunday morning, 27 November at his home in Huntington, Chester. He was found hanged but there has been no evidence of suspicious circumstances. He had appeared on BBC’ s 1 on Football Focus show on Saturday afternoon a few hours before his death. His wife and two children are left in peace to grieve but there will be a family tribute later. A lot of people have shown their grief. Robbie Savage, a former Wales team mate Tweeted, the world has lost a great man …
My comment: I think it is really sad that such a successful and talented man, the father of two children might have committed suicide so young. The suicide is not used in the report of BBC but when he is found hanged what else should it be? I cannot imagine how difficult it would be for his family. It should be a great loss for many people.

donderdag 24 november 2011

Ed Miliband believes that cuts plan has locked the UK into vicious cycle
The Prime Minister David Cameron and the Labor Party do not have the same ideas about the economical plans. Mr Miliband believes that the government was wrong to blame the euro zone crisis for slow growth but the scale of shrinking domestic demand was the reason. According to Mr Miliband the economical plans of the government will lead to a deficit while Mr Cameron asks how it is possible that the answer to the debt problem is more spending and more borrowing! Mr Miliband says that inflation is above 4% and unemployment has been growing since March 2011 so the promises of the government have come to nothing.
My comment: It seems in some aspects the government’s plans did not work because of the increasing unemployment and the growing inflation and on the other hand it is also not wise to borrow more if you are worried about the debts. Some people reacted to this policy of Labor- and I am also for this opinion- that they are right if they want to borrow for the essentials and then think about the debts.

zondag 20 november 2011

Men spend more time getting ready than women!
Men spend 81 minutes a day for personal grooming to get ready while women need 75 minutes. The difference comes from their shaving regimes which 4 minutes longer is for men than the time a woman needs. The shower is one minute longer for men and the last minute comes from the shorter time of moisturizing and toning for women. It takes 13 minutes for a man to get his best look while a woman needs 10 minutes.
From: The Telegraph, Sunday 20 November 2011.
It has been always said that women need much more time to get ready and they spend too much time in front of a mirror. I am happy to see that finally it is shown that men are not as innocent as they seem. It is true that women spend more time in front of a mirror but they compensate it by spending less time to do other things to get ready and finally they need less time to get ready that a man need.
Uk will ultimately join Euro
Former deputy prime minister Lord Heseltine; an advisor of David Cameron; expects that the UK will eventually join the Euro. If the euro zones cannot survive the economical problems they are facing now the effects would be catastrophic to the UK because the European banks owe lots of money to British banks.
There are different voices in the UK about joining the Euro such as the three largest Westminster parties who are against joining the Euro but the pro-European politics believe that the UK can now take advantage of the situation and negotiate the single currency countries in the EU for more integration.
My comment:
After the tragic economical situation of Greece and then Italy there will not be much hope in the Euro zone to solve these problems. Italy was a big hope to the Euro zone and now it faces the worst economical situation ever. Help must come out of this zone and in my opinion if UK delays joining the Euro, it will suffer a greater loss. The sooner the better, that the UK joins the EU.

zaterdag 19 november 2011

Antibiotics are not a cure- all
Antibiotics are not effective against colds, flu and the most respiratory tract infections however they are prescribed easily by GPs in the UK if the patients ask for that. After a few days a virus infection will be eliminated by the immune system and it should not be interpreted as an effect of the antibiotics on a virus infection. Taking unnecessary antibiotics leads to antibiotics resistance which is now one of the biggest concerns in the EU. Taking unnecessary antibiotics reduces the immunity of a patient.  According to the European center for disease prevention and control 25000 people die each year as a direct consequence of a multi-drug resistant infection.
My comment: It is true that many people do not believe that antibiotics do not kill viruses because of getting better after a few days of antibiotics medication when they have a cold. The body will make anti bodies after a few days and fight against the viruses even if there is no medication at all and it does not make any difference if you take antibiotics or not. But the bacterial infections can be cured by antibiotics however not every infection is curable with the same antibiotics.

Free nursery places for 140,000 disadvantaged toddlers
From: BBC NEWS Education & Family, 11 November 2011
The British government gives 15 hours a week free “early education” to all toddlers from low incomes family. These nurseries help the children to get ready for education in the future and subsequently a better life chance. Children are welcome between 07.00 and 19.00. The pilot plan has already begun for 20.000 children and it must be extended to 140.000. According to Nick Clegg, deputy prime minister, free education for toddlers should not be a privilege but a right.
My comment: It is really crucial for children to have a good basic education in order to be more successful in further education. However it costs the government a lot but it is a long term investment on these children. The parents of these children are more available for jobs while they do not have to pay for the nursery. In the Netherlands the cheapest nursery, de peuterspeelzaal, is only 4 hours a week and it costs € 50 per month.
 In my opinion it is an excellent program.