vrijdag 27 januari 2012

Olympic ceremony theme is Isles of wonder
The opening ceremony of London will be called Isles of wonder”. It is about the recovery of a land poisoned by industrial legacy. The opening ceremony will be on 27 July. According to Danny Boyle, the ceremony’s artistic director, the whole country will be celebrating and there will be more “Isles of wonder”. The biggest ringing bell in Europe which would hang at one end of the stadium would sound at the opening of the Games. About 20,000 performers are needed and 1,650 children from east London schools have been auditioning for the roles.
My comment: I cannot wait to watch the ceremony as I know Danny Boyle is one of the best artistic directors in the world. He took the theme from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, “be not afeard the isle is full of noises”. According to Danny Boyle, they try to spend less money on the ceremony which is in my opinion a very good idea in the crisis. It would cost less that the costs of Beijing opening ceremony.

zondag 22 januari 2012

3D image of cancer protein is created
A group of scientists in Glasgow created a 3D model of a protein which can prevent cancer. This protein which controls the cell growth can switch between two different shapes. A cancer cell misses at least one of the various factors controlling the cell cycle. The structure of this protein is mapped by using a high-tech-X-ray analysis. The information about the structure of this protein is useful for developing new cancer drugs. The public supports these kinds of research projects and enable Cancer Research UK to spend £18m a year on different projects in Glasgow.
My comment: It is amazing that people in the UK donate generously for research and enable the scientists to spend on their projects. It is a long term investigation which is beneficial in every aspect. The people’s lives are saved and the new drugs could be sold to other countries. It seems by developing drugs in future according to the structure of this protein which controls a cell growth, an important step could be taken towards cancer treatment.
Organ donation debate at Church in Cardiff
After the proposal of Welsh government that everyone becomes an organ donor unless it is opted out, a debate is held at John the Baptist Church in Cardiff on organ donation. Different points were discussed in the debate such as organ donation is a matter of gift not a duty, the Christian standpoint and Faiths’ questions. The proposal of Welsh government was supported by British Medical Association, British Heart Foundation and the Welsh Kidney Patients Association.
My comment: It is a great step to stimulate people for organ donation but I do not support the proposal of the Welsh government either. As its name indicates organ donation is donation and a gift not an obligation and a duty. By passing these kinds of laws the Human Rights is not concerned and no one has the control of his or her body. Organ donation is a choice not a duty.
Olympic Games at risk from illegal betting syndicates
The athletes of Olympic Games may cheat under the direction of illegal betting syndicates. London is concerned about cheats in Olympic Games as it occurs in football and other sports. There will be strict border control in the Olympics and 13,500 military personnel and the Royal Navy largest ship will be ready for any kind of eventuality. There have been several security exercises on the River Thames.
My comment: It is disappointing to hear of these kinds of threats in the biggest peaceful event of the year. What has happened to the values of the world that so many should be in charge for safety of the people who are coming together for peaceful intentions? What about those athletes that for money but not for honor come together under the direction of illegal betting?

zaterdag 21 januari 2012

Voltaire English letters are discovered by Oxford academic
An Oxford academic who studies the newly discovered letters by Voltaire, indicates that the French poet profited a lot from his short stay in England. These letters indicate that the almost unknown poet was indeed a brilliant social climber who rapidly integrated himself to the aristocracy of the Royal family. He dedicated a poem to the future Queen of England, Caroline who probably offered him £200. He was influenced by English philosophers and scientists and it is obviously present in his books which were then popular among the intellectuals at that time. Voltaire even anglicized his name from Francois to Francis! He was hugely opportunist according to Professor Cronk from University of Oxford.
 My comment: It is unbelievable that Voltaire could make the best network possible in a short period which affected his life and his career as a poet. The French poet was not so famous when he came to England with a recommendation letter from British ambassador to Paris. In my opinion he could also make his network in Paris so as we see he already had his contacts at British embassy to Paris.                                                     

zondag 18 december 2011

Academy food put under spotlight
The food quality is slipping in the schools. The names of the schools which do not meet the national school meal nutrition standards will be published on School Food Trust website. Six years ago Chef Jamie Oliver and Linda Mitchell, chair of the Local Authority Catering Association brought in some rules for healthy food after a campaign. Linda Mitchell said that she would prefer one single standard applicable to all schools. The schools may not be allowed to hide behind their academy status and avoid meeting the standards.
My comment: It is very important what the students eat every day at schools. They spend many hours a day at school where they have to eat lunch and something for the breaks. Most of the students buy snacks and unhealthy fast food at school. In my opinion by banning any kind of fat snacks and fizzy drinks at schools the dangerous consequences such as overweight will be prevented and there is no need for other complicated regulations.

zondag 4 december 2011

Cornwall earthquake
British Geological Survey (GBS) reported a 2.2- magnitude tremor in Bodmin area of Cornwall at 02:40 GMT and it lasted for a few seconds. There have been no damages. Each year 20 to 30 earthquakes are felt by people in the UK. The largest known earthquake in UK was in 1931 with a magnitude of 6.1. It occurred 60 miles offshore near Dogger Bank.
My comment: I do not remember news on earthquakes in the UK and reading this I was a bit surprised, I surfed more and I read on the BBC website that there have been more earthquakes earlier this year in North Yorkshire in January 2011 with a magnitude of 5.5 and in June 2011 in Devon with a magnitude of 2.7.